Palmera Health Consulting
Facilitating health science to policy
Our services
Optimize uptake and use of BEST Health Science Tools with :
Tailored Training on the use of the tools
Review & Feedback on you project proposal
End2End Assist support throughout your project
Undertake or provide methodological support for :
Health technology and drug assessments to inform policy-making or regulatory submissions
Health services interventions assessments to support policy- and decision-making
Address a broad range of needs within the science to policy interface:
Contextual analysis using literature or field data
Evidence synthesis through systematic reviews (with and without meta-analysis), scoping reviews, and rapid literature review
Project and program evaluations with or without recommendations
Framework development to guide science-based operations and evaluation
Augment reach to underserved groups:
Contextual analysis of needs and realities
Quantitative and qualitative syntheses
Interest-holder engagement
Health equity analysis