Dr. Maria Benkhalti is a leading expert in health science to policy translation, evidence synthesis, and health equity analysis. With over 15 years of experience advising government agencies, research institutions, and international organizations, she specializes in transforming complex scientific evidence into actionable policy insights. She has gained expertise in including underserved and underrepresented population groups to optimize access to health care and health-promoting interventions. Fluent in English, French, and Spanish, with basic knowledge of Arabic, Maria brings a global perspective to addressing pressing health challenges. She is driven by a innovative and collaborative mindset.
Maria is also an affiliate investigator at the Bruyere Health Research Institute in Ottawa, Canada and the co-founder and CEO of BEST Health Science Inc.
PhD - Population Health
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada2011- 2015Graduate Certificate - Health Services and Policy Research
Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and Policy Research, Ontario, Canada 2011-2012Masters of Science - Cellular and Molecular Medicine
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario 2006-2009Bachelors of Science (Hons.) - Kinesiology and Health Sciences
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2002-2006 -
Health Science to policy and Decision-making
- Interpret and communicate scientific evidence: briefing notes, seminars, evidence summaries
- Recommendations and strategic advice: scientific, policy, context-based recommendations
- Interest-holder engagement: multidisciplinary committees at local, national, international levels
Evidence Synthesis
- Systematic evidence syntheses: systematic, rapid, scoping reviews
- Health technology assessments, clinical practice guidelines, health impact assessment
- Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods analyses
o Meta-analysis, descriptive statistics, narrative synthesis, inductive & deductive analysis, risk of bias, GRADE critical appraisal
o RevMan, SPSS, GRADEPro, JBI, Distiller SR, InVivo, Dedoose
- Underserved populations : BEST tools, patient preferences (discrete choice experiments)
Knowledge Dissemination
- Graduate level teaching
- Presentations and workshops to field experts and general public
Fluent: English, French, Spanish
Conversational: Arabic
BEST Health Science
CEO, co-founder, CSOBruyere Health Research Institute
Affiliate InvestigatorWHO Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity
MemberCochrane Collaboration
Author, Methods Group MemberHTAi
MemberInternational Network for Governmental Science Advice
Member -
Methodological Peer-reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
1. Benkhalti M, Rahman P, Salzman T, Drysdale M, Boland L. Piloting the Evidence Synthesis Equity Companion Tool. In draft. Target: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
2. Benkhalti M, Espinoza M, Cookson R, Welch V, Tugwell P, Dagenais P. Development of ECHTA: a Checklist to guide equity considerations in health technology assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37 (e17): 2021
3. Poirier M, Benkhalti, M, Joncas J, Warrari O, Addad A, Cheng S, Mior F, Méziat-Burdin A, Dagenais P. PP506 Health Technology Reassessment (HTR) Of A Non-Drug Technology: Methods Used By A Regional HTA Unit. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 36(S1): 40-40, 2020. doi:10.1017/S0266462320001889
4. Marquet MN, Dagenais P, Benkhalti M. The modified QHES list: a pragmatic adaptation of a health economic assessment tool. International Journal of Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment, in revue
5. Poder T, Beffarat M, Benkhalti M, Ladouceur G, Dagenais G. A Discrete Choice Experiment on Preferences of Patients with Low Back Pain about Non-surgical Treatments: Identification, refinement and selection of attributes and levels. Patient Preference and Adherence, 13 : 933-940, 2019.
6. Poder T, Benkhalti M, Dagenais P, Beffarat M, Ladouceur G. HTA and patients’ preferences: starting a discrete choice experiment.International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35 (S1):, 2019.
7. K. Toupin April, M. Benkhalti Jandu, G. Paterson, E. Ueffing, T. Rader, V. Welch, J. McGowan, M.C. Hochberg, R.D. Altman, T. Towheed, G. Wells, P. Tugwell. “Clinical guidelines in osteoarthritis”, in J. Martel-Pelletier and J-P. Pelletier, Addressing Unmet Needs in Osteoarthritis. Future Science Group e-Book, 2013
8. Benkhalti M, Dagenais P. Incorporating Health Technology Assessment in the Development of a Clinical Care Pathway. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35 (S1): 25, 2019.
9. Benkhalti M, Dagenais P. A Preliminary HTA Equity Checklist to Support the HTA Process. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35 (S1): 94, 2019.
10. Benkhalti M. “Equity in Health Impact Assessment: How specific do we get?” (p.269-274) in Bourgeault I, Labonté R, Packer C, Runnels V, Population Health In Canada: Issues, Research & Action. Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2017
11. Miramontes L, Pottie K, Benkhalti M, Welch V, Miller K, James M, Hatcher-Roberts J. Including Migrant Populations in Health Impact Assessments. WHO Bulletin, Published online Nov 2015.
12. Heller J, Givens M, Yuen T, Gould S, Benkhalti Jandu M, Bourcier E, Choi T. Advancing Efforts to Achieve Health Equity: Equity Metrics for Health Impact Assessment Practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11: 11054-11064: 2014 DOI:10.3390/ijerph111111054
13. Welch V, Petticrew M, Ueffing E, Benkhalti Jandu M, Brand K, Dhaliwal B, Kristjansson E, Smylie J, Wells G, Tugwell P. Does Consideration and Assessment of Effects on Health Equity Affect the Conclusions of a Systematic Review? A Methodology Study. PLOS ONE 7(3) e:31360, 2012. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031360
14. Welch V, Tugwell P, Petticrew M, de Montigny J, Ueffing E, Kristjansson B, McGowan J, Benkhalti Jandu M, Wells GA, Brand K, Smylie J. How effects on health equity are assessed in systematic reviews of interventions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Dec 8;12:MR000028
Health Technology Assessments and Evidence Syntheses
1. ARCHE. Reviewed and approved by Benkhalti M and Rahman P. Post-COVID-19 Condition Emerging Evidence. Monthly Summaries to the Public Health Agency of Canada Chief Public Health Officer. Ongoing.
2. Benkhalti M, Salzman T, Robichaud-Lavigne M, Rahman P, Drysdale M. Drug-Related Acute Toxicity Mortality Across Racialized and Ethnic Groups. In Review BMJ Public Health, 2025.
3. Benkhalti M, Roy M, Dagenais P. Optimizing mental and health care services to youth in rehabilitation at Val-du-Lac : Performance, comparatives, and contextual issues. Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada) : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, 2021
4. Benkhalti M, Marquet MN, Dagenais P. Use of the Fraction of Expired Nitrogen Oxide (FENO) for the diagnosis, phenotyping, and management of asthma. Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada) : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, Decembre 2020
5. Benkhalti M, Marquet MN, Dagenais P. Use of Induced Sputum Cell Count for Phenotyping and Management of Asthma. Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada) : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, Octobre 2020
6. Benkhalti M, Lacasse F, Dagenais P. Clinical Considerations for Informed Consent for tracheal Intubation and Cardiopulmonary Reanimation in patients with COVID-19. Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada) : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, August 2020
7. Benkhalti M, Poder T, Pierre Dagenais. Corticosteroid Infiltrations and other pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for chronic lumbar musculosqueletal non-cancerous pain. Volume 1 : Corticosteroid Infiltrations.Sherbrooke : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, 2019.
8. Benkhalti M, Poder T, Pierre Dagenais. Corticosteroid Infiltrations and other modality treatments for chronic lumbar musculosqueletal non-cancerous pain. Volume 2 : Other treatments (pharmacological and non-pharmacological). Sherbrooke : Regional Health Authority HTA Unit, 2019.
9. Kristjansson E, Francis D, Liberato S, Benkhalti Jandu M, Tugwell P, Welch V, Shea B, Greenhalgh T, Janzen L, Krasevec J, Wells G, Petticrew M, Batal M, Jama S, Arabi M, Noonan E. Food Supplementation for improving the physical and psychosocial health of socio-economically disadvantaged children aged three months to five years. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015, Issue 3. Art. No.:CD009924. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD00924.pub2.
10. Maxwell LJ, Zochling J, Boonen A, Singh JA, Veras MM, Tanjong Ghogomu E, Benkhalti Jandu M, Tugwell P, Wells GA. TNF-alpha inhibitors for ankylosing spondylitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Apr 18;(4):CD005468. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005468.pub2. PMID: 25887212.
11. Benkhalti Jandu M, Canuto de Medeiros B, Bourgeault I, Tugwell P. The Inclusion of Migrants in Health Impact Assessment: A Scoping review. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 50: 16-24, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.eiar.2014.08.009
12. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, Towheed T, Welch V, Wells G, Tugwell P. American College of Rheumatology 2012 Recommendations for the Use of Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Therapies in Osteoarthritis of Hand, Hip, and Knee. Arthritis Care & Research, 64(4):465-474, 2012
13. Scott K, Li Z, Benkhalti M, Renaud JM. Energy Metabolism During Fatigue in FDB Muscle is Impaired by the Lack of KATP Channel Activity. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise 42(10): 86-87, 2010
14. Cifelli C, Bourassa F, Gariépy L, Banas K, Benkhalti M, Renaud JM. KATP channel deficiency in mouse flexor digitorum brevis causes fibre damage and impairs Ca2+ release and force development during fatigue in vitro. J Physiol 582(Pt 2): 843–857, 2007
Policy and Program Evaluation Reports
1. Benkhalti M. International Initiatives on Personalised Medicine. Ottawa: BaSE Impacts, for Health Canada, 2017.
2. Roy, M, Lavoie-Trudeau, E, Roy, MA, Clapperton, I, Couturier, Y, Lane, J, Benkhalti, M, Bibeau, L, Ouellette, M, & Camden, C (2019). Community outreach with families of children 0 to 5 years of age: Perceived practices and impacts in a health area in Quebec, Canada. Health and Social Care in the Community. (Impact factor = 1.573).
3. Roy M; Lavoie-Trudeau E, Roy MA, Clapperton I, Couturier Y, Lane J, Bibeau L, Ouellette M, Benkhalti M, Camden C.Barriers and facilitators to implementing community outreach work, and inter-professional collaboration with regional partners. Journal of Community Health, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10900-020-00816-w
4. Benkhalti M, Aboueid S, Bourgeault I. Assessment of the Innovation Strategy as a model for supporting Population Health Intervention Research. Ottawa: BaSE Impacts, for The Population Health Improvement Network - Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016.
Significant Acknowledgements
1. Banken R and Juzwishin D. Health Technology Assessment for Medical Devices. WHO Medical Device Technical Series. WHOPress, 2011 ISBN 978 92 4 150136 1 – Contributed to: draft and revision
2. Pottie K et al. Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines for Immigrants and Refugees. CMAJ, 2011. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.090313 - Contributed to: GRADE Summary of Findings tables
1. Benkhalti M. Health Impact Assessment and the Inclusion of Migrants. University of Ottawa, 2015.
2. Benkhalti M. The Effect of the KATP Channel on Energy Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle During Fatigue. University of Ottawa, 2009.
Invited speaker
1. Benkhalti M. The Benkhalti Equity in Evidence Synthesis Tool. Cochrane Health Equity Thematic Group. Online Webinar. May 2024.
2. Benkhalti M. Development and piloting of the Evidence Synthesis Equity Companion Tool. Health Canada Science Forum. February 2024.
3. Benkhalti M. L’approche de proximité, c’est quoi au juste? : Un examen de la portée. Journée de réflexion – L’accompagnement des familles : Une approche de proximité aux mille visages. St-Camille (Quebec, Canada), Novembre 2017
4. Benkhalti M. The Use of Health Equity Impact Assessment in Ontario Public Health Units. Public Health Agency of Canada, Social Determinants of Health and Science Integration Directorate. Ottawa (Canada), March 2015
5. Benkhalti M. Leaders in Global Health: Health Impact Assessment. Youth and Young Professionals Symposium (University of Ottawa Faculty of Health Sciences). Ottawa (Canada), Novembre 2014
6. Benkhalti M, Hatcher-Roberts J, Pardo Pardo J, Idzerda L, O’Neil J. The Equity Dimension of Health Technology Assessment. RedETSA Pan American Health Organization HTA Network 3rd Annual Meeting. Brasilia (Brazil), Septembre 2013
Peer-reviewed conference abstracts
1. Benkhalti M. Development and piloting of the Evidence Synthesis Equity Companion Tool : Poster. Health Canada Science Forum. February 2024.
2. Benkhalti M. The Equity Checklist for Evidence Synthesis: Adaptation for Rapid Reviews.What Works Global Summit 2023. Presented by: Maria Benkhalti
3. Petkovic J, Benkhalti M, Magwood O, Francis D, Tugwell P. Health Equity: Implications for Systematic Reviews. What Works Global Summit 2023. Workshop
4. Benkhalti M, Dagenais P. Incorporating HTA in the Development of a Clinical Care Pathway: lessons learned.HTAi (Cologne, Allemagne) 2019 Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
5. Benkhalti M, Dagenais P. A Preliminary HTA Equity Checklist to Support the HTA Process.HTAi (Cologne, Allemagne), 2019 Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
6. Poder T, Benkhalti M, Dagenais P, Beffarat M, Ladouceur G. HTA and patients’ preferences: starting a discrete choice experiment.HTAi (Cologne, Allemagne), 2019 Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
7. Roy, M, Lavoie-Trudeau, E, Benkhalti, M, Couturier, Y, Lane, J, Clapperton, I, Roy, MA, Bibeau, L, Ouellette, M, & Camden, C (2019). Community outreach workers: Perceived practices and impacts on families and young children. 16th World Congress on Public Health. Rome (Italie). Presented by : Roy M
8. Benkhalti M. L’inclusion des migrants dans les évaluations d’impact sur la santé dans les bureaux de santé publique de l’Ontario. Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique du Québec (Montréal, Canada), novembre 2016. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
9. Bourgeault I, Huyer G, Manogaran M, Benkhalti M. Making a Case for Health Workforce Impact Assessments: Why are some health workforce policies healthy and others not? Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (Vancouver, Canada), April 2016 Presented by : Ivy Bourgeault
10. Paterson G, Toupin-April K, Benkhalti JanduM, Ueffing E, Hochberg M, McGowan J, Welch V, Towheed T, Tugwell P. Source and Quality of the Evidence used in the Development of the 2012 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Clinical Practice Guidelines. Canadian Rheumatology Association-Arthritis Health Professions Association Annual Scientific Meeting (Whistler, Canada), February 2014 Presented by : Gail Paterson
11. Benkhalti Jandu M, Canuto de Medeiros B. The Inclusion of Migrants in Health Impact Assessment. 13th International Health Impact Assessment Conference (Geneva, Switzerland), October 2013 Presented by : Maria Benkhalti Jandu
12. Paterson G., Toupin April K, Ueffing E, Hochberg MC, Altman RD, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, McGowan J, Towheed T, Welch V, Wells G, Tugwell P. Use and Quality of Cochrane Reviews Included in Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Clinical Practice Guidelines. Cochrane Colloquium (Quebec, Canada), September 2013 Presented by : Erin Ueffing
13. Benkhalti Jandu M. A Health Equity Impact Assessment Framework Suited for Canadian Immigrants. 12th International Health Impact Assessment Conference (Quebec City, Canada). August 2012. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti Jandu
14. Francis D, Benkhalti Jandu M, Kristjansson E. Feeding Programmes to Improve Physical and Psychosocial Health of Children Aged 6 months to 5 years: Methodological Challenges and Approaches. Presentation at the Campbell Collaboration Colloquium (Copenhagen, Denmark), May 2012. Presented by : Damian Francis
15. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P etc. In Search for Equity in Medical Devices Accessibility. World Health Organization Consultation (Kobe, Japan). July 2010. Presented by : Janet Hatcher Roberts
16. Benkhalti M. Ueffing E, Welch V, Tugwell P, Petticrew M. The Social Determinants of Health and the Equity Lens: Methods and Guidance for Systematic Reviews. Canadian Public Health Agency Centennial Conference (Toronto, Canada) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
17. Benkhalti M, Ueffing E, Welch V, Tugwell P.Equity Evidence Aid: A Database for What Works for Disadvantaged. Canadian Public Health Agency Centennial Conference (Toronto, Canada) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
18. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P. Integrating Health Impact Assessment into an Equity-Oriented Health Technology Assessment Toolkit. The Canadian Public Health Agency Centennial Conference (Toronto, Canada) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti and Janet Hatcher Roberts.
19. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Banken R, Tugwell P. The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Health Technology Assessment Annual Meeting. HTA International Symposium (Dublin, Ireland) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti, Janet Hatcher Roberts, Reiner Banken.
20. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Banken R, Tugwell P. The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Health Technology Assessment Annual Meeting. HTA International Symposium (Dublin, Ireland) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti, Janet Hatcher Roberts, Reiner Banken.
21. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J,Velazquez Berumen A, Mathew J, Banken R, Tugwell P. HTA in Developing Countries: Where are we and where do we go?- a joint workshop of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Technology Assessment, HTAi Developing Countries Interest Sub-Group, and the World Health Organization Head Quarters. HTA International Symposium (Dublin, Ireland) June 2010. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti, Janet Hatcher Roberts, Joseph Mathew, Adriana Velazquez, Reiner Banken, Laura Sampietro Colom
22. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P, Sadana R, Welch V, Ueffing E, Jaramillo A. Exploring the Potential for a Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres on Health Equity. Global Forum for Health Research (Havana, Cuba) November 2009. Presented by : Janet Hatcher Roberts.
23. Toupin April K, Hochberg M, Tugwell P, Altman R, Benkhalti M, Guyatt G, Maxwell L, McGowan J, Rader T, Tanjong-Ghogomu E, Towheed T, Ueffing E, Welch V, Paterson G, Wells G. Development of the 2009 Revised ACR recommendations for the management of osteoarthritis. Presentation at American College of Rheumatology Conference (Vancouver, Canada), November 2009. Presented by : Karine Toupin April
24. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Tugwell P, Sadana R, Welch V, Ueffing E, Jaramillo A. Exploring the Potential for a Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres on Health Equity. Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment workshop, Public Health Agency of Canada (Ottawa, Canada), October 2009. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti and Janet Hatcher Roberts.
25. Benkhalti M and Renaud JM. KATP channel deficient FDB muscles use the same amount of glucose but produce less lactate than wild type FDB. MyoNaK Conference, Palm Cove (Queensland, Australia), August 2009. Presented by : Jean-Marc Renaud.
26. Benkhalti M. Report on the launch of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres on Health Technology Assessment. University of Ottawa Institute of Population Health, Research Coordination meeting, Ottawa, Canada, July 2009. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
27. Benkhalti M, Hatcher Roberts J, Issakov A, Tugwell P. WHO Collaborating Centres on Health Technology Assessment: Establishing a new network. HTAi Symposium. Singapore, June 2009 Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
28. Benkhalti M, Li Z, Renaud JM. The role of the KATP channel activity on energy metabolism in skeletal muscle during fatigue. Presentation at MyoNaK Conference, Lake Louise (Alberta, Canada), June 2007. Presented by : Maria Benkhalti
Public Health Agency of Canada, Employee Award 2025
Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Award competition, Score 4.23 2013
Population Health Intervention Research Network, Doctoral Award 2012-2014
University of Ottawa, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Scholarship of Excellence 2012-2015
Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and Policy Research, Post-Graduate Studies Scholarship 2011-2012
University of Ottawa, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Entrance Scholarship 2011-2012
York University, School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Tait McKenzie Honour Society Award for Highest Academic Achievement 2006
York University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dean’s Honour Roll Member 2006
Delcan, Post-secondary Studies Scholarship 2002-2004
York University, Entrance Scholarship 2002
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